Managing Anxiety

Moving Meditation

We Can Help

Anxiety is reduced through positive lifestyle habits and attitudes

Best time to start positive lifestyle: A Long Time Ago

Next best time to start positive lifestyle: Right Now

In periods of high anxiety Western Medicine & Eastern Philosophy agree

Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. - Mark Larson Sensei

The Mayo Clinic recommends general stress management methods:

  • Meditation
  • Progressive muscle relaxation as in yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Athletic activities such as Aikido

They further recommend continuous engagement in such practices to reduce anxiety on an ongoing basis. Stress management is a key strategy as it can reduce the need for other more invasive or time consuming interventions.

We offer the forms of sitting and moving meditations as recommended by the Mayo Clinic. From the meditative philosophies and practices, true long-term solutions to stress or anxiety evolve and become rooted in your life.

Adult Aikido Class Sampler
Highlights from Classes and Exams
Kids Aikido Class Sampler
Highlights from Classes
Why Study Tai Chi?
Emphasis on Health

Reducing Symptoms

Preparation - Clear the Decks

If there is something you can do about it, why worry (do it).
If there is nothing you can do about it, what use is worry? - Shantideva

The first step is to clear the decks of unnecessary stress. Don’t structure your life to inflame anxiety every minute of the day. For example, looking at the foundation of your lifestyle is important. When looking at the money situation, people generally seek either freedom, power or security expressed through finances. If security is your key concern, having a stable job and a solid long term plan will be important. Stable relationships are also important.

After your life is sufficiently calmed down, taking your quiet periods to prepare your responses to stressors can begin the process of transforming your anxiety into healthy stress.

Types of Stress

Maximum learning takes place not with maximum stress nor no stress, but moderate challenge.

Good Stress

Healthy Challenge
Freedom to Explore / Experiment

Bad Stress

Anxiety / Oppressive
Self Destructive Behaviors

Because of your cleared the decks, when something just begins to produce anxiety, quickly cut it off. Look closely at it and examine what is there to be afraid of? Change the problem from a destructive pattern to a healthy challenge.

Developing Skills

Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. - Mark Larson Sensei

Recommendations of Western Medicine and Eastern Philosophy Agree

The Mayo Clinic recommends general stress management methods such as meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, tai chi, yoga and sports for anxiety. They further recommend continuous engagement in such practices to manage stress on an ongoing basis. Stress management is a key strategy as it can reduce the need for other more invasive or time consuming interventions.

We offer the forms of sitting and moving meditations as recommended by the Mayo Clinic. From the meditative philosophies and practices, true long-term solutions to anxiety evolve and become rooted in your life.